What is CPHUX about?
CPHUX is short for Copenhagen User Experience, and since its very beginning back in 2017 at Mucki Bar in Nørrebro, has grown to become the largest UX community in Denmark.
CPHUX has always been “community first” which means that everything we do is focused on supporting and empowering the community members. Our vision is to raise the industry standard of UX, and we do this through our missions of creating transparency around UX, uniting UX professionals, and bridging the gap between businesses and UX professionals.
When we talk about UX, it’s in the wider extension of the word. As long as you work in the digital space and are working to create better user experiences, you are part of the CPHUX community. The community is a mix of people who are just discovering UX for the first time to super senior people with great employee responsibilities. We have 4 personas: The working UX professional, the expat, the job seeker and the student. Often people join us when they are looking for a new job but stay a member once they get a job 🙏
We are different from so many other communities because of our focus on the Danish UX industry. We’re working as hard as hell to make it easier for community members to navigate and get a more authentic understanding of the companies out there and how they work. The knowledge we have acquired enables us to empower individuals to know what to ask for and what to expect.
Why do we write this report?
Why: Back in 2020 we realised that through our job board we were sitting on a lot of interesting job market data. We decided to make a report and share our knowledge with the community. We want to create a transparent common ground and fill in the knowledge gaps around UX that both UX professionals and hiring companies might have on their journey to create better user experiences.
How: We have been gathering salary data from all the awesome UX professionals who have filled out the survey (🙏 thank you 🙏), which enables us to go in depth with this aspect as well.
This year we have improved the report, and because we have more data we are now able to paint a more accurate picture of the reality of the job market 🚀
What: This report will give you an overview of both the salary insights we have collected, both focused on job categories, company types, gender and geographical differences across Denmark, as well as unique insights into the hiring market in the greater Copenhagen area.
We have collected salary data and hold it up against the experience level of the participants from our survey. There are a lot of factors at play. So to give the most realistic numbers, we are making use of the box-plot model that produces a span from targeted arrays.
You will also find information on the different types of business working with UX and different job titles that are considered to be in the field of UX. In general we are providing insights from a myriad of information that can be daunting to crack for both UX professionals and those companies looking to hire.
Sourcing the job data
Our job board (which is the only UX focused one in Denmark) has the goal of creating a single place to see all UX jobs that are available in the greater Copenhagen area. Our ambitions are to expand the job board to cover all of Denmark.
As we find UX jobs, we store the following data points:
- Job title - The name of the job
- UX job category- Our own categorisation of UX jobs
- Job type - What level of work commitment, for example full-time
- Seniority - Range of 2 values for years of experience, if provided
- Company name - The name of the company
- Company type* - What kind of company is posting the job
Helena Levison keeps a watchful eye on LinkedIn announcements through her large network and scours various online job boards for UX jobs. As she uploads, she skims through and curates jobs to ensure that they are actually UX-related.
We have developed our own web app to quickly add new jobs, look up existing listings, archive expired jobs, and repost jobs if they are extended.
Disclaimer: CPHUX job board is the largest collection of UX jobs, but we can't find everything ever posted. Therefore, the graphs in the report are based on our sample of the UX job market.
*Read more about our company type definitions under UX Businesses
Critical reflections: Salaries

In Denmark we talk about baseline salaries on a monthly basis before taxes. Your tax percentage varies based on your income.
When we calculate participants' salaries we focus on 2 things: Their baseline salary and the pension percentage their employer pays. Pension is often split between what the individual pays into their pension from their baseline salary and what the employer pays. In some companies they pay a higher baseline salary and no pension, because it’s expected that the individual pays a percentage of their salary into a pension fund. In other companies the company matches the percentage that the individual pays up to a certain extent. It depends…
We only calculate the salary using the employer percentage, because the individual payment is made from the individual's baseline salary.
In several companies they have a lot of other benefits, which add on to the baseline salary and the pension. This includes benefits like additional paid vacation, computer, phone, home office setup, free or partly paid lunch, health insurance, massages, travel expenses covered, courses, fitness, and pension insurance. See more under ‘ Pension and benefits.
Because these things can vary so much in financial value, and we don’t want to make the survey too painful to fill out, we have accepted that this will not be included into the way we calculate salaries.

UX Professionals
All salary graphs are informed by the anonymous salary survey, which in the time period 1 Jan 2022 - 31 Dec 2022 was filled out by 333 UX Professionals from around Denmark.
The salary survey is anonymous and therefore we cannot guarantee that the data filled in is correct. Look at this as a guiding and amazing resource to point you in a direction when it comes to setting your salary expectations.
Participants by employment type
Based on the 333 survey participants, 307 participants were full-time employees. The rest of the report is based on the full-time employees’ data.

Participants by gender*
Of 307 participants, 207 were women, 99 were men and 2 preferred not to say. In general, we would expect there to be a higher balance between the genders when it comes to the workforce in Denmark. We need to be critical about the data we are pulling from this and not expect this to be a perfect image of the job market.

*Due to low participation of other/alternative genders we could not generate meaningful analyses. The report is solely based on women and men.
Median monthly salary for men and women by years of experience
This graph below shows a line graph of the median salary for men and women and how median salaries increase with years of experience.

Disclaimer: Do take into consideration that this graph is covering 25 years of experience, and we only had 99 men fill out the survey. With the large drop for women and men around 13-14 years of experience, and the full stop on data for women's salaries after 20 years of experience, we want to be critical of our own dataset.
Critical reflections: Salaries and gender

Last year we received some very interesting comments and discussion around this salary graph focused on the genders. There was especially a reaction from women. They tended to feel empowered to go and ask for equal pay, or they were afraid that the lower numbers were what they should expect.
First and foremost, we would like to make it clear that this graph is not meant to put anyone down or anchor a status quo for anyone's salaries. We would like to refer to Critical reflections: Salaries where there is a great point about how our numbers aren’t telling the whole truth when it comes to salaries. There are many conditions that factor in besides baseline salary and employer covered pension. This graph is meant to create transparency on a topic which very often is unspoken.
We do want to shed light on potential gaps based on gender. The reality is that not even close to every UX professional has filled out this salary survey, so our dataset should always be looked at with a sceptical eye.
This year we started collecting participants' educational backgrounds.
Out of 333 participants, 186 have listed Danish educational institutions as their place of study (we disregarded institutions with only 1 submission). Some people filled in several.
There is not a distinction between levels of education.
Overview of the most common Danish educational institutions UX professionals have attended:
Professionals | Institution Abbreviation | Institution Name |
59 | ITU | IT University Copenhagen |
41 | AAU | Aalborg University (Aalborg & Copenhagen campus) |
25 | KEA | Copenhagen’s Business Academy |
17 | DTU | Denmark’s Technical University |
15 | AU | Aarhus University |
6 | KU | Copenhagen University |
5 | SDU | University of Southern Denmark |
5 | DSKD | Kolding School of Design |
5 | DMJX | Denmark's School of Media and Journalism |
3 | KADK | The Royal Academy |
3 | CBS | Copenhagen Business School |
This year we asked participants to fill in the postal code of the company where they're employed. The reasoning was to show where jobs are located in Denmark rather than where people live. In the future it could be interesting to collect both postal codes, but with the shift in remote work as an effect from the Covid-19 pandemic this can still be misleading.
Participants by work geographical location
Based on the participants' answers in 2022.
Zealand total: 179
148 | Copenhagen | 1000 - 2500 |
29 | Greater Copenhagen | 2605 - 2920 |
2 | Northern Copenhagen | 2970 - 3540 |
Funen total: 4
4 | Odense | 5000 - 5260 |
Jutland total: 27
1 | Kolding | 6000 |
1 | Billund | 7190 |
16 | Aarhus | 8000 - 8381 |
1 | Viborg | 8800 |
1 | Randers | 8900 |
7 | Aalborg | 9000 - 9400 |
Map of major participants groups work location

Median salary by city and years of experience
This graph shows an overview of the median salary divided by the cities participants work in. We only show cities where we had enough data points to show a meaningful graph.

Disclaimer: We are aware that this graph is not strong, but we thought there were some interesting insights from it and therefore decided to include it.
Critical reflections: Living costs based on geography

Like most places, there are regional differences in salaries and cost of living. The primary reason for this discrepancy lies in the economics of supply and demand. In cities with a high demand for labour, such as those with booming tech industries, salaries are naturally higher.
The variance in salaries and living costs between cities and towns reflects the complex interplay of economic factors and regional differences. While some may argue that the inequality is unfair, it is important to recognize that these differences are inherent to our economic system and are unlikely to disappear anytime soon.

UX Businesses
There are a lot of companies who understand and value the impact of UX. In this chapter we will look more into the patterns we have seen in the Danish ecosystem, both through the job board, insights gathered from events, and conversation with UX professionals working in the industry. Feel free to be critical about the information. It's a guideline and not a universal truth, but hopefully it can provide you with useful insights.
Maturity model
At CPHUX we often refer to a company's level of UX maturity, but far from everyone knows this model, so we decided to include it in this report to create a shared language.
The 6 Levels of UX Maturity by NN/g
The UX maturity model provides a framework to assess each organisation's UX- related strengths and weaknesses. We can use that assessment to determine which of the 6 stages an organisation currently occupies. Further, this model provides insights into how an organisation can increase its UX maturity.

1. Absent: UX is ignored or nonexistent
2. Limited: UX work is rare, done haphazardly, and lacking importance
3. Emergent: The UX work is functional and promising but done inconsistently and inefficiently
4. Structured: The organisation has a semi-systematic UX-related methodology that is widespread, but with varying degrees of effectiveness and efficiency
5. Integrated: UX work is comprehensive, effective, and pervasive
6. User-driven: Dedication to UX at all levels leads to deep insights and exceptional user-centred–design outcomes
Source: https://www.nngroup.com/articles/ux-maturity-model/
Critical reflections: The UX maturity level of companies in Greater Copenhagen

Over the past years we have been working with and observing a fair share of companies, and based on that we would like to share our insights.
The overall UX maturity level in the Greater Copenhagen area is not very high. We are seeing a positive development, but for many companies it is a slow climb. A company’s UX maturity is directly influenced by the people in the company. Depending on the size of a company you will see more stakeholders and gatekeepers. If management and top leadership teams have not realised and acknowledged the importance of UX for the future of their product/service, it is a steeper climb upwards.
We see a lot of brave leads, heads, and UX professionals fight for the UX maturity growth of their companies. We all owe these people our thanks. It can be an ungrateful job, and sometimes they feel that less informed people are working against them. Keep up the great work! It matters.
Pension and benefits
Your pension is something you negotiate when you get employed. Some companies have an agreement (overenskomst) where pension is determined.
When it comes to pension:
- What your employer pays is on top of your salary
- What you pay comes directly from your salary
In some companies it's your own responsibility to pay into your pension. At some places the company is paying all the pension. At other places the company matches what you pay. It depends on the company and what you negotiate into your contract.
Median pension based on 309 participants
Here we show the median pension based on the people who filled out the salary survey pension question.
Under each company type* you can see the median pension.

*Read about our definitions of company types below.
Top 5 benefits
33 participants filled in the benefits they usually get and here is an overview:
1. | Computer |
2. | Phone |
3. | Home internet |
4. | Free lunch |
5. | Home office |
Most hiring company type?
This graph shows the number of job posts grouped by company type* comparing 2020 to 2021, and 2022.

*Read about our definitions of company types below.
Examples: CPHUX, Dreamdata, Doubble
A startup is a company starting up. Usually, they will be very small team-wise, and all team members need to put on many different hats to get the job done. Startups often struggle to make money. Either they are bootstrapped (making their own money), or funded by an investor/capital fund, etc.
Work in a startup if you like to work as a generalist, take on responsibility for the direction of the product, and enjoy a fast-paced environment where your contribution really matters.
Monthly salary predictions by years of experience for employees in startups
The following graph shows an overview of all UX job salaries in startups sorted by years of experience. The grey area shows an average salary prediction. The smaller the area, the more accurate it is. The purple line is the salary trend across years of experience.

Graph based on the salary survey and filled out by 15 participants.
Median pension for UX professionals in startups

This median is calculated based on 15 participants' answers.
UX jobs posted by startups
Here you can see the hiring development over the past 3 years based on jobs uploaded to our job board.

The language jobs have been posted in

Examples: PLEO, Templafy, Planday
Scaleups are the step between a startup and a corporation. The company has proved itself either through establishing reliable revenue streams or by securing an extensive amount of funding (often both). The company is scaling its team size and starting to hire more specialist roles.
Work in a scaleup if you want to continue building a growing product. You will still be able to influence the product, but the groundwork has been established.
Monthly salary predictions by years of experience for employees in scaleups
The following graph shows an overview of all UX job salaries in scaleup, sorted by years of experience. The grey area shows an average salary prediction. The smaller the area, the more accurate it is. The purple line is the salary trend across years of experience.

This graph is based on the salary survey and filled out by 39 participants.
Median pension for UX professionals in scaleup

This median is calculated based on 39 participants' answers.
UX jobs posted by scaleups
Here you can see the hiring development over the past 3 years, based on jobs uploaded to our job board.

The language jobs have been posted in

Examples: 1508, Advice, Adapt
Agencies or consultancies are "hired labour." They work for other companies. Agencies usually execute projects for companies that don't have the staff/resources to execute themselves. Consultancies can work on a project basis like agencies, but can also outsource consultants to work in the hiring company alongside their staff.
Work in an agency if you like to work on a lot of different projects. Usually, you need to make quick decisions and be good at selling your work to clients. You need to be okay working in a fast-paced environment with strict deadlines.
Monthly salary predictions by years of experience for employees in agencies
The following graph shows an overview of all UX job salaries in agencies sorted by years of experience. The grey area shows an average salary prediction. The smaller the area, the more accurate it is. The purple line is the salary trend across years of experience.

This graph is based on the salary survey and filled out by 49 participants.
Median pension for UX professionals in agencies

This median is calculated based on 49 participants' answers.
UX jobs posted by agencies
Here you can see the hiring development over the past 3 years based on jobs uploaded to our job board.

The language jobs have been posted in

Examples: Novo Nordisk, Mærsk, Danske Bank
Corporations cover larger and more established companies. They will have a lot of employees, but not necessarily any UX'ers (yet). It depends a lot on their maturity (see more under "Maturity model").
Work in corporations if you like to dive deep into your work. Often a lot of specialist roles are hired by corporations. Do be aware that corporations can be very bureaucratic and slow in decision making.
Monthly salary predictions by years of experience for employees in corporations
The following graph shows an overview of all UX job salaries in corporations sorted by years of experience. The grey area shows an average salary prediction. The smaller the area, the more accurate it is. The purple line is the salary trend across years of experience.

This graph is based on the salary survey and filled out by 99 participants.
Median pension for UX professionals in corporations

This median is calculated based on 99 participants' answers.
UX jobs posted by corporations
Here you can see the hiring development over the past 3 years, based on jobs uploaded to our job board.

The language jobs have been posted in

Examples: Udviklings- og Forenklingsstyrelsen, Københavns Borgerservice, Skattestyrelsen
Governmental departments can both be national-oriented, city-oriented or subject-oriented. Governmental departments are often subject to a lot of regulations and restrictions.
Work in a governmental department if you like to dive deep into your work. They work with very extensive timelines and responsibilities. The work environment is often thorough (slow) and bureaucratic.
Monthly salary predictions by years of experience for employees in government
The following graph shows an overview of all UX job salaries in government sorted by years of experience. The grey area shows an average salary prediction. The smaller the area, the more accurate it is. The purple line is the salary trend across years of experience.

This graph is based on the salary survey and filled out by 8 participants.
Median pension for UX professionals in government

This median is calculated based on 8 participants' answers.
UX jobs posted by government
Here you can see the hiring development over the past 3 years, based on jobs uploaded to our job board.

The language jobs have been posted in

Examples: Unicef, Røde Kors, Kræftens Bekæmpelse
NGOs are one of our most diverse company types. It ranges from NGOs making the first UX hire in a very casual environment, to joining a UX army in a corporate environment.
Work in an NGO if you want your work to make an impact for the NGO’s focus.
Monthly salary predictions by years of experience for employees in NGOs

Do you want to impact the salary data for UX professionals working in NGOs in Denmark? Fill out this salary survey and make a difference 👉 https://forms.gle/hZjPeJ7urN9ti1YZ8
Median pension for UX professionals in NGOs

This median is calculated based on 1 participant answer.
UX jobs posted by NGOs
Here you can see the hiring development over the past 3 years, based on jobs uploaded to our job board.

The language jobs have been posted in

Innovation unit
Examples: BUILD, Woodstein
Innovation Units are like a startup funded by a larger corporation. Innovation units are funded by its mother organisation with the objective to work more like a startup but with the financial security of a corporation. They have internal success criteria to live up to.
Work in an Innovation Unit if you like the speed from the startup space but the financial security from a corporation. You will need to be good with deadlines and presenting your work. Be aware that if an Innovation Unit isn't performing well enough there is a chance that it will be closed down with short notice.
Monthly salary predictions by years of experience for employees in innovation units
The following graph shows an overview of all UX job salaries in innovation units sorted by years of experience. The grey area shows an average salary prediction. The smaller the area, the more accurate it is. The purple line is the salary trend across years of experience.

This graph is based on the salary survey and filled out by 3 participants.
Median pension for UX professionals in innovation units

This median is calculated based on 3 participants' answers
UX jobs posted by innovation units
Here you can see the hiring development over the past 3 years, based on jobs uploaded to our job board.

The language jobs have been posted in

Salary comparison between the company types
This graph shows an overview of the salary levels of the different company types.

We wanted to see if there was a clear pattern of people being over/under-paid in specific company types. Because the data isn’t equally representative in each company type, we don’t think a clear conclusion can be made, but it’s still interesting.

UX job statistics
How many UX jobs have we uploaded?
This graph shows the number of jobs per month that we have uploaded to our UX-focused job board over the last 3 years. 862 jobs were posted in 2020, 1.494 in 2021, and 1.155 in 2022. This is a decrease in UX jobs of 22.69% from last year.

Overall language distribution of UX jobs posted
This graph shows how many jobs were posted in either Danish or English.

22.51% of all jobs posted were written in Danish vs. 77.49% in English. It’s important to note that just because the job post is written in a language, it doesn’t necessarily mean that this corresponds with the language requirement of the job. But it is a strong indicator.
Monthly salary ranges by years of experience for all UX Jobs
The graph below uses box plots* to show an overview of salary ranges by years of experience and the median salary for each year.

*To learn more about how to read box plots, see the Appendix
Experience level
Years of experience required for UX jobs
This graph shows the number of jobs posted by years of experience. This only includes jobs that had a years of experience requirement listed in their job description.

- Once you land that first UX job and get at least 1 year of experience under your belt, the job market really opens up
- The majority of jobs are posted in the 2-5 year range
Years of experience for senior jobs
This graph shows the number of senior jobs listed by years of experience. We filtered the data to only show jobs that have 'senior', 'head' or 'lead' in the job title.

- Surprisingly, a lot of senior jobs require less than 5 years of experience
- Some senior positions are posted with 2 years experience, which is alarming when junior and mid-level roles can be advertised with higher years of experience requirements
Critical reflections: Companies and required years of experience

AI generated photo from openart.ai based on prompt: “Critical reflections: Companies and required years of experience”
When we first started uploading jobs to the job board it was with a “universal conception” that you should consider yourself to be a junior until you worked 1-3 years in a full-time position. You’d then move up to become a mid-level around years 2-5, and when you had worked for 5 years, you could be considered a senior.
While uploading jobs, we started realisingthat this wasn’t the reality of the hiring market.
Jobs with the “Senior” stamp on it could require just 2 years of experience. This realisation led us to start documenting this data so the numbers could tell the true story.
The conclusion is that companies perceive the definition of when you are a senior very differently. One company had a junior position with the requirement of 1 year of work experience and a senior position with the requirement of 2 years of work experience.
I’ve talked with a UX professional who went from junior to senior in one leap. Their input on this was that they had been taking on a lot of responsibility very quickly and now was the most senior UX professional in the company who would be training juniors moving forward.
My advice for job-seeking people who might not identify as a senior quite yet, do check out the senior positions. For the most part, ignore the required years of experience as long as you see yourself in the description, and they aren’t looking for you to manage other people.
Do not apply for people managing roles unless your previous experience has given you the tools to take on this type of responsibility.
CPHUX seniority definition
We believe that years of experience is not a good measurement of seniority in UX positions. So we have set out to better frame how we talk about seniority in UX:
- You often seeking guidance from more senior colleagues
- You prefer well-defined tasks
- You have little to no work experience in UX
- You are confident in your approaches but seek confirmation from senior colleagues
- You are able to define your own tasks
- You have applied your work in several professional contexts
- You are able to guide and mentor others
- You can lead and make decisions on high-level direction
- You have extensive knowledge of UX
UX Jobs
This word cloud is generated from the 1036 jobs posted in UX in 2022. The size of the job title indicates the posted frequency of that title.

Critical reflections: Why are we using a word cloud as a critical “art piece”?
Last year we made a word cloud as a critical “art piece” but forgot to communicate that this was our point. This word cloud is meant to show the insane amount of weird titles that have been used over the past year to describe roles in the UX space. We usually call it the job title jungle and, yes, it is indeed frustrating to navigate within. We see roles that aren’t using appropriate titles, and titles with responsibilities that normally do not fall into that job category.
We chose the word cloud to showcase the magnitude and to highlight roles that are more predominant.
Top 10 most posted job titles
Here is an overview of the job titles including seniority indicators that have been posted most times in 2022:
1. | UX Designer | 115 jobs |
2. | Senior UX Designer | 65 jobs |
3. | Senior Product Designer | 48 jobs |
4. | UX/UI Designer | 46 jobs |
5. | Product Designer | 41 jobs |
6. | Digital Designer | 40 jobs |
7. | UI Designer | 23 jobs |
8. | Product Owner | 22 jobs |
9. | Product Manager | 17 jobs |
10. | Senior Digital Designer | 14 jobs |

UX Job Categories
Introduction to the UX Job Categories
Due to the job title jungle illustrated with our beautiful word cloud, we at CPHUX have made our own job categories based on the job postings we observed on our job board. We have tried to make some overall categories. Obviously this is not perfect, but neither are job posts when it comes to consistency about what a job title actually covers. Some categories cover a wide range of jobs that have a similar theme, and some are quite clean cut, like UX Designers. Sometimes we will see job titles that cover several job categories and then we do our best to look at the description and place it in the category which fits the best.
UX Researcher
The UX Researcher uses research methodologies such as interviewing, observation, analysing and testing to discover human insights in order to guide the design process of a product or service.

AI generated image from Shutterstock based on our description above.
Top 10 most posted job titles in the UX Researcher job category
Here is an overview of the job titles including seniority indicators, like ‘senior’ and ‘intern,’ that have been posted most times in 2022:
1. | UX Researcher | 13 jobs |
2. | Senior UX Researcher | 5 jobs |
3. | Research Intern | 3 jobs |
4. | User Experience Researcher | 3 jobs |
5. | User Researcher | 3 jobs |
6. | UX Research Intern | 3 jobs |
7. | Senior User Researcher | 2 jobs |
8. | UX Research & Insights Director | 2 jobs |
9. | UX Research Student Worker | 2 jobs |
10. | Anthropology Or Design Research Intern | 1 job |
Salary ranges by years of experience
The graph below uses box plots (you can read about box plots in the Appendix) to show an overview of salary ranges by years of experience and the median salary for each year.
Use this graph to see what your peers with this job title are getting paid so you can negotiate a competitive salary based on evidence.

Do you want to impact the salary data for UX Researchers in Denmark? Fill out this salary survey and make a difference 👉 https://forms.gle/hZjPeJ7urN9ti1YZ8
UX Researcher jobs by company type
Here you can get an overview of what type of companies have hired the most UX Researchers. If you are looking for your next job, this can guide you to where you should focus your efforts.

Top 3 companies hiring most for this job category
Here is an overview of the companies who have hired the most UX Researchers in 2022 and the amount of positions. This is a small section of a longer list, and we have selected the companies who we know have a history beyond 2022 of hiring.
As a job seeker this can guide you to some companies you might not have considered. Perhaps it’s time to do some targeted networking or send off an unsolicited application.
1. |
Novo Nordisk |
4 positions |
2. |
Lego |
4 positions |
3. |
Trustpilot |
2 positions |
UX Designer
UX Designers are generalists that execute a bit of everything in the design process. A UX Designer will understand their users’ needs, generate ideas to solve their problems, prototype designs, and finally test them with users.

AI generated image from Shutterstock based on our description above.
Top 10 most posted job titles in the UX Designer job category
Here is an overview of the job titles including seniority indicators, like ‘senior’ and ‘intern,’ that have been posted most times in 2022:
1. |
UX Designer |
115 jobs |
2. |
Senior UX Designer |
65 jobs |
3. |
UX Intern |
7 jobs |
4. |
Experience Designer |
6 jobs |
5. |
Lead UX Designer |
6 jobs |
6. |
UX Design Student Assistant |
6 jobs |
7. |
Student Worker |
3 jobs |
8. |
UX Consultant |
3 jobs |
9. |
Design Lead |
2 jobs |
10. |
Lead Experience Designer |
2 jobs |
Salary ranges by years of experience
The graph below uses box plots (you can read about box plots in the Appendix) to show an overview of salary ranges by years of experience and the median salary for each year.
Use this graph to see what your peers with this job title are getting paid so you can negotiate a competitive salary based on evidence.

Do you want to impact the salary data for UX Designers in Denmark? Fill out this salary survey and make a difference 👉 https://forms.gle/hZjPeJ7urN9ti1YZ8
UX designer jobs by company type
Here you can get an overview of what type of companies have hired the most UX designers. If you are looking for your next job, this can guide you to where you should focus your efforts.

Top 3 companies hiring most for this job category
Here is an overview of the companies who have hired the most UX Designers in 2022 and the amount of positions. This is a small section of a longer list, and we have selected the companies who we know have a history beyond 2022 of hiring.
As a job seeker this can guide you to some companies you might not have considered. Perhaps it’s time to do some targeted networking or send off an unsolicited application.
1. |
Mærsk |
19 positions |
2. |
WS Audiology |
6 positions |
3. |
Nordea |
5 positions |
UI Designer
The UI Designer is responsible for the tiniest details of an interface: colour palettes, font pairings, design components, and more. UI designers rely on design research and trends, industry analysis, and web design principles in order to create an interface and interactions that users are comfortable and confident with using.

AI generated image from Shutterstock based on our description above.
Top 10 most posted job titles in the UI Designer job category
Here is an overview of the job titles including seniority indicators, like ‘senior’ and ‘intern,’ that have been posted most times in 2022:
1. |
UI Designer |
23 jobs |
2. |
Senior UI Designer |
4 jobs |
3. |
Interactive Designer |
3 jobs |
4. |
Interaction Designer |
2 jobs |
5. |
Lead UI Designer |
2 jobs |
6. |
Senior UI Artist |
2 jobs posted |
7. |
UI Design Intern |
2 jobs |
8. |
User Interface Designer |
2 jobs |
9. |
Creative Director |
1 job |
10. |
Creative Technologist, Human Interface Design |
1 job |
Salary ranges by years of experience
The graph below uses box plots (you can read about box plots in the Appendix) to show an overview of salary ranges by years of experience and the median salary for each year.
Use this graph to see what your peers with this job title are getting paid so you can negotiate a competitive salary based on evidence.

Do you want to impact the salary data for UI Designers in Denmark? Fill out this salary survey and make a difference 👉 https://forms.gle/hZjPeJ7urN9ti1YZ8
UI Designer jobs by company type
Here you can get an overview of what type of companies have hired the most UI Designers. If you are looking for your next job, this can guide you to where you should focus your efforts.

Top 3 companies hiring most for this job category
Here is an overview of the companies who have hired the most UI Designers in 2022 and the amount of positions. This is a small section of a longer list, and we have selected the companies who we know have a history beyond 2022 of hiring.
As a job seeker this can guide you to some companies you might not have considered. Perhaps it’s time to do some targeted networking or send off an unsolicited application.
1. |
Trackman |
4 positions |
2. |
Duckwise |
3 positions |
3. |
Adapt |
3 positions |
UX/UI Designer
The UX/UI Designer is often a catch-all position, meaning it asks for someone who is skilled in both running the full UX process (research, ideation, wireframing, etc) and delivering high-fidelity mockups and production-quality UI.

AI generated image from Shutterstock based on our description above.
Top 10 most posted job titles in the UX/UI Designer job category
Here is an overview of the job titles including seniority indicators, like ‘senior’ and ‘intern,’ that have been posted most times in 2022:
1. |
UX/UI Designer |
48 jobs |
2. |
UX/UI Design Intern |
21 jobs |
3. |
Senior UX/UI Designer |
13 jobs |
4. |
UX/UI Design Student Assistant |
4 jobs |
5. |
Design Lead |
2 jobs |
6. |
Junior UI/UX Designer |
2 jobs |
7. |
Web Designer |
2 jobs |
8. |
Associate UX Consultant |
1 job |
9. |
Creative Intern |
1 job |
10. |
Digital Designer - Student Worker |
1 job |
Salary ranges by years of experience
The graph below uses box plots (you can read about box plots in the Appendix) to show an overview of salary ranges by years of experience and the median salary for each year.
Use this graph to see what your peers with this job title are getting paid so you can negotiate a competitive salary based on evidence.

Do you want to impact the salary data for UX/UI Designers in Denmark? Fill out this salary survey and make a difference 👉 https://forms.gle/hZjPeJ7urN9ti1YZ8
UX/UI Designer jobs by company type
Here you can get an overview of what type of companies have hired the most UX/UI Designers. If you are looking for your next job, this can guide you to where you should focus your efforts.

Top 3 companies hiring most for this job category
Here is an overview of the companies who have hired the most UX/UI Designers in 2022 and the amount of positions. This is a small section of a longer list, and we have selected the companies who we know have a history beyond 2022 of hiring.
As a job seeker this can guide you to some companies you might not have considered. Perhaps it’s time to do some targeted networking or send off an unsolicited application.
1. |
Novo Nordisk |
8 positions |
2. |
Nordea |
5 positions |
3. |
Eskild Hansen Design Studio |
4 positions |
Product Designer
The Product Designer is a multidisciplinary designer who can do UX, UI, coding, project management, and oversees the design process of a product from start to finish. They have an understanding of the bigger goals of the product while ensuring the product fits the company’s business needs.

AI generated image from Shutterstock based on our description above
Top 10 most posted job titles in the Product Designer job category
Here is an overview of the job titles including seniority indicators, like ‘senior’ and ‘intern,’ that have been posted most times in 2022:
1. |
Senior Product Designer |
48 jobs |
2. |
Product Designer |
41 jobs |
3. |
Digital Product Designer |
12 jobs |
4. |
Head Of Product |
5 jobs |
5. |
Senior Digital Product Designer |
5 jobs |
6. |
Senior Product Designer (UX/UI) |
4 jobs |
7. |
Product Designer (UI/UX) |
3 jobs |
8. |
Director Of Product Design |
2 jobs |
9. |
Junior Product Designer |
2 jobs |
10. |
Lead Digital Product Designer |
2 jobs |
Salary ranges by years of experience
The graph below uses box plots (you can read about box plots in the Appendix) to show an overview of salary ranges by years of experience and the median salary for each year.
Use this graph to see what your peers with this job title are getting paid so you can negotiate a competitive salary based on evidence.

Do you want to impact the salary data for Product Designers in Denmark? Fill out this salary survey and make a difference 👉 https://forms.gle/hZjPeJ7urN9ti1YZ8
Product Designer jobs by company type
Here you can get an overview of what type of companies have hired the most Product Designers. If you are looking for your next job, this can guide you to where you should focus your efforts.

Top 3 companies hiring most for this job category
Here is an overview of the companies who have hired the most Product Designers in 2022 and the amount of positions. This is a small section of a longer list, and we have selected the companies who we know have a history beyond 2022 of hiring.
As a job seeker this can guide you to some companies you might not have considered. Perhaps it’s time to do some targeted networking or send off an unsolicited application.
1. |
Trustpilot |
9 positions |
2. |
Lego |
7 positions |
3. |
Trackman |
5 positions |
Digital Designer
The Digital Designer creates, manages, and produces digital design solutions for a variety of uses: websites, interfaces, and product graphics. They sometimes use technical knowledge to work with analytics systems to test their solutions and apply their skills in HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

AI generated image from Shutterstock based on our description above.
Top 10 most posted job titles in the Digital Designer job category
Here is an overview of the job titles including seniority indicators, like ‘senior’ and ‘intern,’ that have been posted most times in 2022:
1. |
Digital Designer |
40 jobs |
2. |
Senior Digital Designer |
14 jobs |
3. |
Digital Design Intern |
8 jobs |
4. |
Lead Digital Designer |
4 jobs |
5. |
Digital Design Lead |
3 jobs |
6. |
Digital Designer Intern |
3 jobs |
7. |
Web Designer Intern |
3 jobs |
8. |
Brand- And Digital Designer |
1 job |
9. |
Brand Activation Designer |
1 job |
10. |
Communications Advisor |
1 job |
Salary ranges by years of experience
The graph below uses box plots (you can read about box plots in the Appendix) to show an overview of salary ranges by years of experience and the median salary for each year.
Use this graph to see what your peers with this job title are getting paid so you can negotiate a competitive salary based on evidence.

Do you want to impact the salary data for Digital Designers in Denmark? Fill out this salary survey and make a difference 👉 https://forms.gle/hZjPeJ7urN9ti1YZ8
Digital Designer jobs by company type
Here you can get an overview of what type of companies have hired the most Digital Designers. If you are looking for your next job, this can guide you to where you should focus your efforts.

Top 3 companies hiring most for this job category
Here is an overview of the companies who have hired the most Digital Designers in 2022 and the amount of positions. This is a small section of a longer list, and we have selected the companies who we know have a history beyond 2022 of hiring.
As a job seeker this can guide you to some companies you might not have considered. Perhaps it's time to do some targeted networking or send off an unsolicited application.
1. |
Signifly |
4 positions |
2. |
Relesys |
3 positions |
3. |
Make |
3 positions |
Visual Designer
The Visual Designer uses visual design practices to implement images, typography, space, layout, and colour in a way that enhances a design or interaction. Visual designers design and maintain visual consistency across a variety of platforms and contexts.

AI generated image from Shutterstock based on our description above.
Top 10 most posted job titles in the Visual Designer job category
Here is an overview of the job titles including seniority indicators, like ‘senior’ and ‘intern,’ that have been posted most times in 2022:
1. |
Brand Designer |
2 jobs |
2. |
Visual Design Intern |
2 jobs |
3. |
Creative Brand Strategist |
1 job |
4. |
Experience Designer |
1 job |
5. |
Graphic Designer |
1 job |
6. |
Senior Visual Designer |
1 job |
7. |
Student Worker Branding & Design |
1 job |
8. |
Visual Designer |
1 job |
9. |
Visual Designer Student Assistant |
1 job |
10. |
Web Designer |
1 job |
Salary ranges by years of experience
The graph below uses box plots (you can read about box plots in the Appendix) to show an overview of salary ranges by years of experience and the median salary for each year.
Use this graph to see what your peers with this job title are getting paid so you can negotiate a competitive salary based on evidence.

Do you want to impact the salary data for Visual Designers in Denmark? Fill out this salary survey and make a difference 👉 https://forms.gle/hZjPeJ7urN9ti1YZ8
Visual Designer jobs by company type
Here you can get an overview of what type of companies have hired the most Visual Designers. If you are looking for your next job, this can guide you to where you should focus your efforts.

Top 3 companies hiring most for this job category
Here is an overview of the companies who have hired the most Visual Designers in 2022 and the amount of positions. This is a small section of a longer list, and we have selected the companies who we know have a history beyond 2022 of hiring.
As a job seeker this can guide you to some companies you might not have considered. Perhaps it's time to do some targeted networking or send off an unsolicited application.
1 |
Mærsk |
2 positions |
2 |
TV2 DK |
1 position |
3 |
Signifly |
1 position |
UX Writer
Like the UX Designer, the UX Writer uses design methods and tools to find the best ways to create copy that is intuitive to their users while keeping within the product's brand, voice, localisation, and terminology usage.

AI generated image from Shutterstock based on our description above.
Top 10 most posted job titles in the UX Writer job category
Here is an overview of the job titles including seniority indicators like senior and intern that have been posted most times in 2022:
1. | Senior UX Writer | 3 jobs |
2. | Technical Writer | 3 jobs |
3. | UX Writer | 3 jobs |
4. | Chat- And Voicebot Designer | 1 job |
5. | Chatbotdesigner | 1 job |
6. | Content And UX Designer | 1 job |
7. | Content Strategist | 1 job |
8. | Content Writer Intern | 1 job |
9. | UX Writer & Conversation Designer | 1 job |
10. | UX Writer / Technical Writer | 1 job |
Salary ranges by years of experience
The graph below uses box plots (you can read about box plots in the Appendix) to show an overview of salary ranges by years of experience and the median salary for each year.
Use this graph to see what your peers with this job title are getting paid so you can negotiate a competitive salary based on evidence.

Do you want to impact the salary data for UX Writers in Denmark? Fill out this salary survey and make a difference 👉 https://forms.gle/hZjPeJ7urN9ti1YZ8
UX Writer jobs by company type
Here you can get an overview of what type of companies have hired the most UX Writers. If you are looking for your next job, this can guide you to where you should focus your efforts.

Top 3 companies hiring most for this job category
Here is an overview of the companies who have hired the most UX Writers in 2022 and the amount of positions. This is a small section of a longer list, and we have selected the companies who we know have a history beyond 2022 of hiring.
As a job seeker this can guide you to some companies you might not have considered. Perhaps it’s time to do some targeted networking or send off an unsolicited application.
1. | Nordea | 2 positions |
2. | Visma | 1 position |
3. | Banking Circle | 1 position |
Service Designer
The Service Designer uses design methods and tools to plan and arrange people, infrastructure, communication, and material components of a service in order to improve its quality and the interaction between the service provider and its users.

AI generated image from Shutterstock based on our description above.
Top 10 most posted job titles in the Service Designer job category
Here is an overview of the job titles including seniority indicators, like ‘senior’ and ‘intern’, that have been posted most times in 2022.
1. | Service Designer | 7 jobs |
2. | Senior Service Designer | 2 jobs |
3. | Servicedesigner | 2 jobs |
4. | Lead Service Designer | 1 job |
5. | Service UX Designer | 1 job |
6. | Service/UX Designer | 1 job |
7. | Service Design Student Assistant | 1 job |
8. | Student Worker | 1 job |
No more positions
Salary ranges by years of experience
The graph below uses box plots (you can read about box plots in the Appendix) to show an overview of salary ranges by years of experience and the median salary for each year.
Use this graph to see what your peers with this job title are getting paid so you can negotiate a competitive salary based on evidence.

Do you want to impact the salary data for Service Designers in Denmark? Fill out this salary survey and make a difference 👉 https://forms.gle/hZjPeJ7urN9ti1YZ8
Service Designer jobs by company type
Here you can get an overview of what type of companies have hired the most Service Designers. If you are looking for your next job, this can guide you to where you should focus your efforts.

Top 3 companies hiring most for this job category
Here is an overview of the companies who have hired the most Service Designers in 2022 and the amount of positions. This is a small section of a longer list, and we have selected the companies who we know have a history beyond 2022 of hiring.
As a job seeker this can guide you to some companies you might not have considered. Perhaps it’s time to do some targeted networking or send off an unsolicited application.
1. | SPARCK | 3 positions |
2. | Pandora | 2 positions |
3. | Nets | 2 positions |
CX Designer
The CX Designer uses strategic thinking, design methods, and tools to create satisfying and compelling experiences across all touch points in the customer journey, even beyond the digital landscape.

AI generated image from Shutterstock based on our description above.
Salary ranges by years of experience

Do you want to impact the salary data for CX Designer working in Denmark? Fill out this salary survey and make a difference 👉 https://forms.gle/hZjPeJ7urN9ti1YZ8
Disclaimer: No CX Designers filled out our survey, and because only 3 jobs were posted in this job category, this section is empty. When we are done collecting data for 2023, we will reflect on if this should actually be a category anymore. Perhaps we need to change our search words when gathering jobs to the job board. There might be plenty of CX roles passing our noses… (?)
The Strategist uses design methods and tools to solve the “big picture problems” between the business goals and the user needs.

AI generated image from Shutterstock based on our description above.
Top 10 most posted job titles in the Strategist job category
Here is an overview of the job titles including seniority indicators, like ‘senior’ and ‘intern,’ that have been posted most times in 2022:
1. | Senior Strategist | 3 jobs |
2. | Strategy Consultant | 3 jobs |
3. | Business Analyst | 2 jobs |
4. | UX Strategist | 2 jobs |
5. | Business Analyst (UX) | 1 job |
6. | Business Designer | 1 job |
7. | Business Developer | 1 job |
8. | Digital Business Developer | 1 job |
9. | Experience Strategist | 1 job |
10. | Junior Strategic Designer | 1 job |
Salary ranges by years of experience
The graph below uses box plots (you can read about box plots in the Appendix) to show an overview of salary ranges by years of experience and the median salary for each year.
Use this graph to see what your peers with this job title are getting paid so you can negotiate a competitive salary based on evidence.

Do you want to impact the salary data for Strategists in Denmark? Fill out this salary survey and make a difference 👉 https://forms.gle/hZjPeJ7urN9ti1YZ8
Strategist jobs by company type
Here you can get an overview of what type of companies have hired the most Strategists. If you are looking for your next job, this can guide you to where you should focus your efforts.

Top 3 companies hiring most for this job category
Here is an overview of the companies who have hired the most Strategists in 2022 and the amount of positions. This is a small section of a longer list, and we have selected the companies who we know have a history beyond 2022 of hiring.
As a job seeker this can guide you to some companies you might not have considered. Perhaps it’s time to do some targeted networking or send off an unsolicited application.
1. | Too Good To Go | 2 positions |
2. | Signifly | 2 positions |
3. | Star | 2 positions |
The Manager is a role that is focused on people and/or the product. Usually organising and supporting the team and is often an expert in the craft of the team they are managing.

AI generated image from Shutterstock based on our description above.
Top 10 most posted job titles in the Manager job category
Here is an overview of the job titles including seniority indicators, like ‘senior’ and ‘intern,’ that have been posted most times in 2022.
1. | Product Owner | 22 jobs |
2. | Product Manager | 17 jobs |
3. | Senior Product Manager | 9 jobs |
4. | Project Manager | 6 jobs |
5. | Digital Product Manager | 4 jobs |
6. | Digital Project Manager | 2 jobs |
7. | Digital User Experience Manager | 2 jobs |
8. | Senior Design Manager | 2 jobs |
9. | Senior Product Owner | 2 jobs |
10. | Senior Project Manager | 2 jobs |
Salary ranges by years of experience
The graph below uses box plots (you can read about box plots in the Appendix) to show an overview of salary ranges by years of experience and the median salary for each year.
Use this graph to see what your peers with this job title are getting paid so you can negotiate a competitive salary based on evidence.

Do you want to impact the salary data for Managers in Denmark? Fill out this salary survey and make a difference 👉 https://forms.gle/hZjPeJ7urN9ti1YZ8
Manager jobs by company type
Here you can get an overview of what type of companies have hired the most Managers. If you are looking for your next job, this can guide you to where you should focus your efforts.

Top 3 companies hiring most for this job category
Here is an overview of the companies who have hired the most Managers in 2022 and the amount of positions. This is a small section of a longer list, and we have selected the companies who we know have a history beyond 2022 of hiring.
As a job seeker this can guide you to some companies you might not have considered. Perhaps it’s time to do some targeted networking or send off an unsolicited application.
1. | Coloplast | 5 positions |
2. | Mærsk | 3 positions |
3. | Danfoss | 3 positions |
Which UX job categories are most wanted?
Jobs posted by UX job category in 2022
This graph shows the frequency of jobs posted by the UX job category in 2022.
We have created our own UX job categories to group roles together that are similar but may have variations in their actual job title. For example, Senior Product Designer and Product Designer are categorised together.

What companies are hiring?
Here is an overview of the companies who have hired most UX Professionals across all job categories in 2022:
1. | Mærsk | 29 |
2. | Novo Nordisk | 23 |
3. | Trustpilot | 15 |
4. | Nordea | 14 |
5. | Lego | 14 |
6. | Unity | 13 |
7. | Adapt | 13 |
8. | WS Audiology | 12 |
9. | Emagine | 12 |
10. | Trackman | 11 |

Thoughts from Helena
First and foremost, I would like to make a HUGE shoutout to all the people who are and have been members of CPHUX this past year. Without their financial contribution, I and the CPHUX team wouldn’t be able to continue on our efforts to raise the industry standard of UX. Thank you, not only for the financial support but also for all your contributions! As I’m writing this, I’m soon to be a mother of two wonderful children and the support I’ve gotten from members of CPHUX is completely overwhelming. When I shared my anxiety about running CPHUX while on maternity leave, so many people stepped up and told me that I wasn’t alone and that we are a community who support each other. I see so many of these people as an extended family and I’m so grateful. Not only does it empower me to live my family life fully, but also continue on this UX journey to impact the Danish ecosystem of UX. Thank you yet again.
2022 was quite a year, influenced by the pandemic and the Russian invasion of Ukraine. We saw a downward facing curve in UX jobs. I had a chat with a Chief Analyst from IDA (The Engineers' Association in Denmark) who informed me that engineering jobs hadn’t been negatively impacted in this timeline. My personal rationale is that companies’ UX maturity still isn’t as high as companies' “development maturity”. And we, all UX professionals, hold a part of the responsibility to keep on fighting for internal UX maturity growth in your respective places of employment. This is a long and hard struggle, but getting that buy-in from top management is paramount.
In June 2023 we hosted an event called ‘How Strategic Design is shaping the future to match business and user needs’, and here Michael McKay, who at that point was Head of Design Center of Excellence at Ørsted, explained how they had changed the organisation from within because the new CEO had bought in on the importance of design. Very interesting points were made in that talk on the theme of changing an organisation's UX maturity.
The feedback we got from last year's report was quite breathtaking. I know for a fact many have used its results to negotiate salary when starting a new role or through your yearly salary negotiation. I even know of a department in a larger organisation that used our report to negotiate their entire UX department's baseline salary.
Hearing that international individuals who are moving to Denmark have found it useful to navigate in the Danish UX industry makes me so proud. All our hard work is really making a difference for people, and that is personally a thing I put a lot of pride in.
This year we worked on improving the report. We conducted a co-creation session, our report team did a comprehensive retrospective on last year's report, and we did several other activities to heighten the report.
Again this report was made by a team of hardworking individuals who contributed with enthusiasm, integrity, and a respect for their own limits and capacity 🙏 See all of them in the next section.

This report would not have been a reality without all the members of CPHUX and these lovely people's efforts.

Madelein Neinkemper
UX Researcher at iO
Yet again have Madelein created all our amazing and insightful graphs.

Helena Zilmer Levison
Founder of CPHUX
Helena has been a driving part of the report and participated in more or less all aspects of this report's creation. She has both been executing and managing the team.

Christian Wreem Munch
Project Manager
Christian helped out by adding structure to the progress of our work and strategizing the content of the report.

Agnė Baranauskaitė
UX/UI Designer
Designed cover page, dividers, styling of the report, and adding much needed visual consistency.

Ridwan Asad
UX/UI Designer
During her involvement in the CPHUX project, she took part of the initial debrief and ideation phase. It was an exciting experience collaborating with a well-rounded team, and she was proud of the project and her significant role in its development.

Christine Haugaard
Digital Product Designer
Christine contributed in the initial months with the report concept, digital/graphical creativity and overall shaping of the report.

Lisa Marchand
Senior Digital Marketing Specialist at Danfoss Drives
Yet again Lisa proofread and came with wonderful comments.

Charlotte (Branth) Claussen
Content Design and Strategy Consultant
Yet again Charlotte proofread and came with valuable comments.

What is a Box Plot?
A box plot is a graphical method to summarise a data set by:
- Visualising the minimum value,
- 25th percentile,
- Median,
- 75th percentile,
- Maximum value, and
- Potential outliers
A percentile is a value below which a certain percentage of data fall. For example, if 75% of the observations have values lower than 685 in a data set, then 685 is the 75th percentile of the data. At the 50th percentile, or median, 50% of the values are lower and 50% are higher than that value.
Box Plot Anatomy
The figure below describes how to read a box plot. Here are a few explanations that may help. The middle part of the plot, or the “interquartile range,” represents the middle quartiles (or the 75th minus the 25th percentile). The line near the middle of the box represents the median (or middle value of the data set). The whiskers on either side of the IQR represent the lowest and highest quartiles of the data. The ends of the whiskers represent the maximum and minimum of the data, and the individual dots beyond the whiskers represent outliers in the data set.

Source: https://www.leansigmacorporation.com/box-plot-with-minitab/